Top 5 Icebreakers to make in business

Written by Florian VANNIER | Dec 14, 2022 4:55:16 PM

Chi-fou-mi activity

  • Goal: build group dynamics
  • Context: group over several days
  • Mode: face-to-face

Nothing like a “rock - paper - scissors” tournament to create group dynamics.

The trainees compete in pairs. The winner, in 2 winning rounds, faces a new winner of his duel, while the loser… becomes the fan and therefore supporter of the winner.

The final duel will oppose two participants helped by all their fans.

Pay attention to the generated sound effects!

Carried out at the end of the session, it can allow learners to let off steam or evacuate too many emotions accumulated over the course of the day.

Activity Circle of Names

  • Goal: Learn the first names of the learners to facilitate exchanges
  • Context: group over several days or weeks
  • Mode: face-to-face

This animation requires auditory and visual memory, ideal for getting to know each other.

Each learner gives their first name aloud and performs a gesture at the same time. The next trainee repeats the first name heard and the gesture visualized and in turn gives his first name and his gesture. The difficulty of memorization is going crescendo; the facilitator to complete the loop. It is important to know the first names of the other participants, so that everyone feels they exist and for the “better living together”.

Activity Tour de table

  • Aim: to find out who the learners are
  • Context: one-day group
  • Mode: face-to-face or remote

Classic but so effective. The animation consists in asking each trainee: his first name, his function/profession and his appetite or his experience with the theme of the training, within a defined period of time.

Ideal for a one-day session, the tour de table allows the trainer to get to know each of the participants, but also to get to know each other, whether they are from the same company or not.

Mood activity of the day

  • Goal: express your state of mind at the moment
  • Context: group over several days
  • Mode: face-to-face or remote

Ideal in the middle of training for a few days, to start the day.

Project an image representing a situation with characters. Ask each learner to point to the character that best represents their current state of mind; orally or using a digital tool such as wooclap.

The learner explains his choice to the group. The trainer and learners can bounce back on any concerns the trainee may have.

Blind test activity

  • Goal: energize the group for the day
  • Context: group over several days
  • Mode: remote

Find the name of the musical piece broadcast. The host, using a playlist created on a streaming platform (Deezer, Spotify, etc.), indicates the theme of the songs that will be played (TV series, 80s, Bof, etc.) . Do not forget to indicate the expected answer: the name of the singer, of the group? The title of the song, of the film? ...

When reading a piece, the learner responds in writing via the chat of the videoconferencing tool (Meet, Zoom, etc.). There is no winner or loser. It's the perfect time to keep a song in your head all day 🎶

In summary

As you will have understood, choosing your icebreaker precisely is very important. What is the intention of the facilitator in carrying out this activity at the start of the day? For example, facilitating a blind test will not give him any information on the state of mind of his learners.

These are just a few examples. Think, imagine and create your icebreakers! And if you want even more, don't hesitate to watch this short video about icebreakers.